litigation and arbitration
The Pawełczyk Law Firm's litigation team, consisting of experienced attorneys-at-law and barristers, conducted more than a thousand of court-presented cases and court-administrative proceedings, often with a multi-million value of the object of litigation.
The Pawełczyk Law Firm represents clients before common and administrative courts of all instances, including the Supreme Court, the Supreme Administrative Court, the Constitutional Tribunal, as well as in arbitration and mediation proceedings.
corporate law
The practice of Pawełczyk Law Firm also includes legal support in the field of the so-called corporate services for companies, including, in particular, formation of commercial law companies, their transformation, merger, division and liquidation, as well as providing legal services for company bodies, including, above all, preparing draft resolutions, servicing shareholders' meetings and general assemblies. We represent clients in registration proceedings, as well as in litigation regarding appeals against resolutions of company bodies. The Pawełczyk Law Firm has extensive experience in providing services to public companies, including in the field of the investor relations.
Labour Law
Providing legal services to the largest enterprises in the country, including those from the energy, railway and mining industries, places the Pawełczyk Law Firm among polish law firms with the greatest competence and experience in the area of labour law, both individual and collective. In the area of individual labour law, the Pawełczyk Law Firm provides support both employers and employees, especially in court proceedings. Our legal experts are knowledgeable in the field of collective labour law, including in particular the resolution of collective disputes, collective bargaining agreements and group dismissals.
penal law and penal revenue law
Dedicated team of the Pawełczyk Law Firm specialises in handling penal and penal revenue cases. Within the range of services rendered in this respect, the Pawełczyk Law Firm provides, among others, defence in penal and penal revenue proceedings at the stage of preparatory and court proceedings, as well as representation of Clients acting as aggrieved party, subsidiary prosecutor or private prosecutor.
Our lawyers represent clients in criminal and penal-fiscal cases, participating in procedural activities conducted by officers of the Central Anticorruption Bureau (CBA), the Central Investigation Bureau of Police (CBŚP), the Internal Security Agency (ABW) and taxation administration.
Zespół Kancelarii Pawełczyk świadczy kompleksową pomoc prawną na rzecz osób, począwszy od spraw rodzinnych (rozwody, alimenty, podział majątku, ustalenie ojcostwa, opieka nad dzieckiem), poprzez sprawy spadkowe, nieruchomościowe, w tym lokalowe, po sprawy karne i karno-skarbowe.
Kancelaria reprezentuje Klientów w licznych postępowaniach sądowych, których przedmiotem jest dochodzenie odszkodowania z tytułu czynów niedozwolonych, w tym m.in. z tytułu błędów medycznych, jak również z tytułu niewykonania lub nienależytego wykonania zobowiązania. Współpraca z organami egzekucyjnymi pozwala zapenić Klientom Kancelarii sprawną egzekucję zasądzonych należności.